The Release Date by Jones
Dear community members, 

We are excited to announce that our server will officially release on the 9th of August. To ensure everything runs smoothly, we will have gear spawning and bug testing on the 8th. Now is the perfect time for players to submit their biographies, if you haven't done so already. Addittionally, for more information on factions and organizations you can join, please refer to our last announcement.

We can't wait to see you all in the game!

Development Blog 4: Finding a Role & Economy by Jones
Dear community members, 

Welcome to the final development update! Today, we want to focus on the factions and organizations within our scenariio, as well as share some important details about the server economy. Starting with Factions and Organizations, below you will find links to the rosters or information about each of then. If you haven't created a character yet or want to try a new one, please contact the leaders of the groups you're interested in after finding a suitable available role. Most factions and organizations are open to new players. If you are new, don't forget to check out our new player guide for helpful information.

We are thrilled to announce that the release date will be announced in early August. As the remaining centerpiece is the map itself, which we are making good progress on with multiple mapperrs. Additionally, we are looking for event managers—people who are interested in creating and running events for the community. If you have a passion for organizing and hosting engaging activities, we woul;d love to have you with us!


  Byzaris Post - initially a humble Aseri fishing village, now a bustling trade hub, currently thriving under Imperial leadership.

  Banu Qaydari - renowned for their trading prowess and fierce resistance against hostile encroachments.

  House Rogland - received land and authority on Vlandia's outskirts to spread Makerist influence.


  Port of Byzaris

  Byzaris Merchant Guild

  The Inn on the Horizon

  The Vineyard

  The Monastery of St. Septimus

Server Economy

In the server economy, faction income relies primarily on in-game actions rather than weekly rolls, with factions selling limited resources per week, primarily their specialty goods. Gold is earned at 20 per hour. Resources are distributed across the map: iron in the central mine, wine and cattle in Aserai vineyards, the brewery and mill i Imperial town, and abundant wood and deer in Vlandia. Each faction can export 20 units of resources weekly, with Vlandians selling wood boards, and Aserai leather rolls at higher prices. The Port Master manages all exports. Faction income is supplemented by a weekly roll, and Imperials receive bonuses for successful trades. Factions start with different workshops reflecting their economic strengths: Imperials have the most, including an early tailoring monopoly, while Aserai and Vlandians have fewer but specialized workshops. New workshops can be built with an investment of 1500 coins plus materials. Click here to check out the Economics thread for a more detailed overview.